Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Got my own conference to attend (to)

All the cool bloggers let you know they are attending this or that conference, or speaking here and there, and I finally get to do the deed, just like Michael Froomkin, tbogg, jake at lying media bastards, and the oh-so-cool people at Boing Boing. I'll be at the Edith Wharton Society's Centenary Celebration of the Publication of The House of Mirth conference, delivering a paper on regionalism and global capitalism (scroll down to Saturday). It's in Poughkeepsie, so there should be smokestacks and flowers among the nattering nabobs of East Coast Literati, and I don't mind telling you, I'm way out of my league.

I'll be back Sunday, and everything will still be here, I'm sure.


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